How to Make the Most Out of Your Retractable Awning

March 8, 2021


If you want a shady spot for your deck or patio, you’re probably considering a retractable awning. They’re the best choice for shade in summer since they offer so much flexibility- but they can be quite complicated to buy and install. Get the wrong one, or treat yours improperly, and you could end up with a subpar awning that you’ll wish you’d never installed.


So, how do you get the most out of a retractable awning? What are some strategies to protect your awning? This article will list just a few ways you can maximize the shade capacity and lifespan of your retractable awning. 


Measure the Space You Want Shaded

By measuring your patio or deck, you ensure that the awning you buy will be able to shade the whole deck area you want shaded. Many buyers get an awning on an impulse, installing it willy-nilly. This can lead to inadequate shade. 


By getting the measurements of your space beforehand, you can choose an awning that will work for you and provide you with all the shade you need. Just keep in mind- the sun often comes down at an angle.


Consider the Angle of the Sun

Unless you’re living directly on the equator, you most likely won’t be able to catch the sun directly above your house. This means your ten-foot awning may not be able to shade your ten-foot deck or patio. 


Think of it like heavy rain. When the wind picks up and rain starts to come in sideways, is there any guarantee that your covered deck will be safe? Of course not!


Just like rain, the sun comes in at an angle for most people, meaning your awning will need a little bit of a wider space allowance to create shade for the whole deck. 


Hire a Good Installation Team

If you’re no carpenter or builder, and you need an awning done right, you’ll likely need to hire a professional. 


As we mentioned above, the sun comes in at an angle for most people, meaning you’ll have to do a lot of finagling to get your awning at the right angle to block the sun. Without much expertise, you might mess up.


An installation team will take care of all of this for you, taking the research and math out of your hands to create a shady deck in no-time. 


Retract Your Awning When It Snows

Here’s something you probably forgot to consider- winter. 


When most people dream of their brand new retractable awnings, they’re envisioning sunny summer days and warm, lazy hours spent lounging in a bikini. 


But you probably forget that your awning’s going to have to survive some pretty harsh weather- the harshest of which being snow. 


Snow is a significant weight on your awning- literally. All that extra weight can cause wear and tear, which can make your awning wilt. To keep it taut, retract it before a big blizzard. This will help you keep one step ahead of father time.